Information on purchasing the Deutschlandticket at the Weimar location


The following points should be noted for the winter semester 2023/2024:

Subscription via Stadtwirtschaft Weimar (only possible for students of BU Weimar and HfM Weimar)

  • Students who already have an upgrade ticket from Stadtwirtschaft Weimar must send their certificate of enrolment for the summer semester 2024 to by 10.03.2024.
  • If proof is not provided, an existing Deutschlandticket upgrade will be converted into a regular subscription for a €49 ticket.


  • You must apply for a new Deutschlandticket upgrade for the summer semester.
  • The current subscriptions via Deutsche Bahn all end on 31.03.2024 without the need to cancel.
  • The application must be submitted by 19.03.2024 inclusive.
  • Please note that the previous prices will still be displayed and debited for the months of April and May. Any overpayments will be automatically refunded in May.

In the following table you can find all the information you can use at the Weimar location to purchase the Deutschlandticket for the summer semester 2024.

Provider Monthly additional payment in SoSe 2024 Application to be submitted until Documents to be submitted or to be presented Link Issue as
Stadtwerke Weimar
€ 28.62 Always by the 10th of the previous month; applications submitted later can only be considered for the month after next. Identity card or other identification document (passport, residence permit); bank card (a German bank account is required); certificate of enrolment for SoSe 2024 or thoska Complete the application form and hand it in at the Stadtwirtschaft Weimar customer centre on Goetheplatz (in front of the Kasseturm). Chipcard (accepted all over Germany)
Deutsche Bahn € 28.62 Eight working days (Mon - Fri) before the beginning of the month; applications submitted later can only be taken into account for the month after next Certificate of enrolment for SoSe 2024 must be uploaded Students of the BU Weimar: Online-Application with Deutschen Bahn

Students of the HfM Weimar: Online-Application with Deutschen Bahn
Online resp. mobile phone ticket

Please note that a subscription is always taken out for the Deutschlandticket!

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