Student financing

A degree program needs to be financed. In the first place, parents, students themselves and then - if they are married - their spouses are responsible for financing studies. If there are not adequate funds available, then other sources of financing are to be considered:
part-time job (but since studying is comparable with a full-time job, this alternative of financing adversely affects studying);
• Training assistance according to the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG);
student loan.

On the following pages, we would like to provide you with an overview of the most important financing options for studying. Furthermore, the Studierendenwerk offers you tips on how to save money. If you have any questions, we would be pleased to be your main point of contact.

In financial terms, the insurances available to students are also of interest. Furthermore, students may receive tokens as a subsidy for meals in the cafeterias and vaccination allowances which are subject to certain conditions.

Explanatory video on student financing for international students

In a video, the Deutsches Studentenwerk explains the requirements and options for financing studies, explains legal restrictions in the area of jobbing for international students and gives practical tips on planning your studies in Germany.

The video can be found on the Youtube channel of the Deutsches Studentenwerk, to watch it just follow this link.



17. 02. 2025

Amt für Ausbildungsförderung mit neuer Beschwerdeadresse

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28. 10. 2024

Frist nicht verpassen - Euer Anspruch auf die Studienstarthilfe nach § 56 BAföG

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02. 10. 2024

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23. 09. 2024

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